Friday, November 13, 2015

#BigBeautyApproved - Fashion Is UnSIZEable.

FASHION IS UNSIZABLE...KAREN D. HARBIN #PhatWomenLogic #BigBeautyApproved

#BigBeautyApproved... Luving your Plump's & Chunks!

Photo Above: Author & Blogger Karen D. Harbin.
Don’t Downgrade your fashionable desires to accommodate the size others deem as fashionable. 

Why should you wait to be the "proper size" that society believes is fashionably accurate? 

Fashion is a way to express yourself visibly. 
#BigBeautyApproved represents being bold, fierce, daring and fashionable. #BigBeautyApproved supports, recognizes and acknowledges Plump Size Women & Fashion.

I want to share some sample's of my recent fashionable moments: 



Ladies don/t get caught up on what's the proper size to express yourself fashionably. Dare to make bold statements, wear bold prints and boldly express your sense of fashion. 

Karen D. Harbin.

Author, Blogger & Self-Love Advocate...

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