Heyyy Beauties!!! This weekend I had a awesome time out in this fit I call "Kandy-Red".
Jeans: Ashley Stewart... (www.ashleysewart.com) Heels: purchased at Rue 21 retail store.
Top: Treasure from my closet... "treasure from my closet, is an unknown clothing article that has remained in my closet for who knows how long; finally got a chance to pair it with something!
I enjoyed the fit and had fun with the hair (light, super long & fun).
Beauties: Have fun wearing bold vibrant colors!!!
Feel Free to visit my Pluspiration blog #PhatWomenLogic: http://www.phatwomenlogic.blogspot.com
Also... Checkout my #SizeHealthyPlus Blog: http://www.sizehealthyplus.blogspot.com
FaceBook Page: http://www.facebook.com/karendharbin